Recreational Bonfire Permit Application

DeLand Fire Department

Recreational Bonfire Permit Application

Application shall be turned in 30 days in advance of event. Applications turned in after this time shall require the permission of the City Manager. A separate application shall be filed for each and every operation and location at which a Recreational Bonfire is proposed.

Contact Information

Event Information

Responsible Person's Information

I understand that I shall be responsible to abide by all rules set forth by the National Fire Protection Association 160, Standard for flame effects before an audience, 2006 Edition and the City of DeLand, Fire Marshal’s Office on back page of this application..

I hereby certify that the above information is true and correct to the best of my ability. I understand that failure to comply with any provision of applicable Law or Code including, but not limited to the provisions of this application can result in the denial and/or revocation of this permit.

Recreational Bonfire Regulations

(1) The location for a bonfire shall not be less than 50 feet from any structure, and provisions shall be made to prevent the fire from spreading to within 50 feet of any structure.

(2) A minimum of two portable fire extinguisher with a minimum 4-A rating or other approved on-site fire extinguishing equipment, such as dirt, sand, water barrel, garden hose or water truck, shall be available for immediate utilization.

(3) A bonfire shall not be more than 5 feet in diameter and 5 feet or less in height.

(4) A non-combustible barrier shall be established not less than 10 feet on all sides around the perimeter of the bonfire that prohibits access to all spectators.

(5) The bonfire shall not be ignited prior to an on-site inspection of the location where the bonfire is to take place

(6) A bonfire shall not burn longer than 4 hours and shall be completely extinguished no later than midnight.

(7) No combustible/flammable liquid of any kind shall be used to ignite the fire. The bonfire shall consist of only seasoned, dry firewood or wooden shipping pallets and be ignited with a small quantity of paper. The burning of garbage, refuse, rubbish, unseasoned firewood, commercial waste, construction debris, manure, leaves, brush, grass clippings, landscape waste, etc. is strictly prohibited.

(8) A responsible party, over the age 18, shall constantly attend the bonfire until the fire is completely extinguished at the end of the permit time. Fireextinguishing equipment shall be available for immediate use.

(9) Maximum of 2 bonfires per year.

(10) If in the opinion of the Fire Official of the City of DeLand, or designee, weather conditions are such that the starting or continuation of burning is a risk to life, health or property they shall have the right to declare that any and all burning shall cease immediately until further notice.

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