DeLand Downtown CRA Lighting & Security Improvement Program

City of DeLand Mainstreet DeLand Association

DeLand Downtown CRA
Lighting & Security Improvement Program

The City of DeLand, through its visioning process, has identified revitalization of the downtown as one of the key elements vital to creating a strong vibrant community. A series of grant initiatives have been instituted to assist in the revitalization efforts. The City of DeLand Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) has created a Lighting & Security Improvement Grant program that is designed to assist businesses in creating a safer, pedestrian friendly environment. Matching Grants are available to downtown businesses or property owners within the downtown tax increment district for creating or upgrading lighting and security at their businesses. Eligible projects may receive grant awards of up to 75% of total project cost as a reimbursement for expenditures, with no single grant exceeding $3,000. Only one grant may be used for a specific project. The grant program will be administered by the MainStreet DeLand Association. The MainStreet staff will assist applicants through the grant process; however, it is the applicant’s responsibility to meet the requirements of the grant program and all applicable City regulations.


  1. The goal of the lighting and security program is to increase the safety of our citizens and create an atmosphere of a pedestrian friendly community. The following criteria will be utilized by the MainStreet DeLand Association and the City of DeLand Downtown CRA for evaluating the installation of exterior lighting and security fixtures:
  2. Lighting and security grants are only awarded for projects that improve the lighting and security of the exterior of a building.
  3. The components of a lighting and security project must comply with all Federal, State, County and City regulations that apply to lighting and the installation of lighting and security fixtures. This will include but is not limited to location, intensity, position or direction of the lighting, color of the lights and the style of the fixtures. The components of this project must be energy efficient and this must be documented in the grant application. Lighting of signage or lighted signs and neon are specifically excluded from the accepted criteria of the grant program.
  4. Removal of non-historical lighting fixtures is encouraged and installation of fixtures that are harmonious with the historic character of Downtown DeLand Historic District are required. The size, color, and shape of all fixtures shall compliment the building, add to the historic character of the area and meet all applicable city regulations and guidelines. Examples of these types of fixtures may be seen at the City Historical Resource Office or MainStreet DeLand Association.
  5. Removal of paint or other coatings on building exteriors shall be undertaken with the gentlest means that are effective. Cleaning methods such as sandblasting, that damage the historic building materials are strongly discouraged.
  6. Routine building maintenance is not eligible under this program.
  7. No building that is subject to current Code Enforcement action or outstanding municipal liens is eligible.
  8. Notwithstanding exceptional circumstances as approved by the Downtown CRA, multiple grants shall not be issued for an individual property within a five-year time period.

City of DeLand Mainstreet DeLand Association

DeLand Downtown CRA
Lighting & Security Improvement Program

Project Information

Attach detailed outline of proposed work, including:

  1. Photographs clearly showing existing conditions.
  2. Detailed drawings to approximate scale, showing proposed improvements.
  3. Proposed colors to be used on exterior improvements and signs, if applicable.
  4. Project budget with contractor estimates.

Applicant Information

Owner Information


I understand that in order for my request for funding to be approved, I must agree to follow the recommendations of the Downtown CRA and MainStreet Association and comply with the following:

  1. Grants apply only to those commercial structures and buildings within the Tax Increment District.
  2. Only projects which have not received grant funds within the past FIVE (5) years will be given consideration.
  3. It is the responsibility of the owner and/or applicant to obtain all required permits from the city BEFORE beginning any work. No reimbursements will be provided by the city for work conducted prior to receiving the required permits.
  4. Project work must begin within 45 days after permits are obtained.
  5. Monies are for approved improvements only and will be reimbursed upon completion of all work. (Any changes made to the project that have not been approved by the MainStreet Association and the City will not be funded.)


  • Signed Contract Documents
  • All required permits
  • CRA Approval

City of DeLand Mainstreet DeLand Association

DeLand Downtown CRA
Lighting & Security Improvement Program

Your proposed work will require that a permit be issued by the City of DeLand that may include among others:

  • Planning/Zoning
  • Renovation
  • Structural
  • Electrical
  • Plumbing
  • Awnings
  • Signage
  • Certificate of Appropriateness (Historic Preservation)

City of DeLand contact information:

  • Planning Department - City Hall 120 S Florida Ave. Ph: 386-626-7106
  • Building Department – City Hall 120 S Florida Ave. Ph: 386-626-7007
  • Historic Preservation - City Hall 120 S Florida Ave. Ph: 386-626-7018

MainStreet DeLand contact information:

  • 100 N Woodland Blvd, Ph: 386-738-0649

Please note:

  • Owners and/or applicant are responsible for meeting with city officials prior to grant application to determine permitting requirements.
  • Owner and/or applicant must comply with all relevant permitting requirements.
  • Owner and/or applicant is responsible for making certain that their contractors have obtained the proper permits.